I got lucky, with the re-appearance of mountain goats on the hills south of Peachland. Just about a year ago, I was treated to the sight of three mountain goats in perfect formation, staring
down the barrel of my lens. I'm not one to spend hours waiting for wildlife, but who can resist when they make like Ford models right at the side of the road? That picture is on my website www.lauratucker.com in the Things gallery if you are curious.

Just as I was going to get in the car and drive further south to catch the last of the sun, I spotted a natural bouquet growing out of the hill at highway level. Martha Stewart, eat your heart out:)
South of Summerland, the day's last light played merrily at the base of a gultch.
Although I felt the distance between me, my family and old friends this weekend, there are certainly no end of things to be grateful for on this Thanksgiving Day.
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