Dear Paul,
I would find it impossible to do a regular blog entry today without referring to you, so I thought I would write you a letter before even trying.
I miss you very much. I was talking to your Aunt Rosie (aka my mom) last week and I said something to her that I haven't been able to shake ever since. I don't remember what life felt like before your accident. I hadn't thought of it in quite that way before; it just came out in our conversation. It is a truth that has stayed with me since.
I put your picture on my blog for a few of reasons. First, I can now go and look at it any time I need to from anywhere, which is pretty cool. Second, this picture has come to symbolize for hundreds of people, the importance of considering organ donation. I added a link to your website to my blog last night. I hope that people who read this are curious enough to go and take a look. This is one of the most positive things that has come out of our loss. I am so proud of your family for their commitment and determination.
Most importantly for me, it is the picture that cemented for me forever the value of a picture of a loved one. The last time I saw you at Joan and Fred's, you had just returned from Ireland. We went through your pictures, trading stories about our favourite place on Earth. Now, that is a great memory for me to have!
I won't go on any longer, or I will risk turning this entry into a puddle of tears. I will be thinking of you.
Love always,
Your "coolest" cousin,
PS. Go Leafs Go!
PPS. A couple hours after writing I thought of another picture that helps me remember before. As you know, we still get like this sometimes, most recently at your race weekend in Ottawa last May. :) LOL
Laura - thank you for the wonderful tribute to my brother on your blog. Over time, the continuous fear is that he will be forgotten amongst the busy nature of our everyday lives. The fact that you took the time to write about Paul made me so happy during a difficult time.
Paul, as well as the rest of the Kennedy family, loved every minute of our trips up to T.O. to visit the Archer's. We had so many great times growing up together - No one will ever forget the 25th wedding anniversary for Fred & Joan, the many trips up to Clear Lake, Christmas's at Chez Adele, etc.
Thanks Laura & great job with your website!
Hi Laura,
Thank you so much for the card. Your photograph on the cover took my breathe away! I'm in awe of the vibrant autumn colours with a hint of sunlight peeking through - it's amazing what you find in your own backyard. A trio of photos in the same format are on my wish list for my office wall.
Take care and talk to you soon.
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