Just before leaving Kelowna for Utah, I made a last minute purchase - "The Fun Camera". For months I have been berating myself for not having a small digital camera I can take anywhere with me. Hiking The Chief this summer without a single picture to capture the experience must have pushed me over the edge. I also knew that for all the times Beth and I have traveled together, we have no pictures of ourselves - photographers are much happier BEHIND the camera. So, with just enough time to charge a battery before heading to the airport, I picked one up.
After a crash course on the plane to Calgary, The Fun Camera has been a terrific addition to my Canon arsenal. I made many images that I would not have made the time for otherwise, including gems like the one above. I re-discovered old skills like how to "point-and-shoot", and developed new skills like holding the camera steady with my arms extended and how to take a self portrait with one arm extended. This last skill is not to be under-rated - it's not easy to take a flattering self portrait. In fact I'd say it's impossible. But here's one of Beth and I after climbing out of Spooky Canyon. For having had a nose to nose encounter with a rattlesnake and having lost the desert trail back up out of the canyon, I'd say we look pretty good!

I'm on my way home from a very windy Las Vegas in the morning. However, I will continue to blog about the trip in order once I've had a chance to review my images from Capitol Reef and Zion National Parks.
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