I know this is last minute, but I thought I would publicize my first photography speaking engagement here in Kelowna. The feedback I have received on the article and images in Okanagan Arts has been extremely positive. As an adjunct to that article, I have been invited to participate in the Imagine Summer series of readings at Mosaic books this Thursday, August 2, at 4:30 pm.
I'm presently preparing some prints to bring along with me and hoping I will come up with something absolutely brilliant to say! It's been a while since I've spoken to a group, but I am one of those oddballs who actually enjoys public speaking.
Just writing that down makes me remember my first public speaking experience. I don't think I was much older than ten, and I took home several awards for my speech "Life in the Year 2000". Yes, I regaled my audience with predictions on fashion, transportation and entertainment. My vision of the future when I would be at the ripe old age of somewhere in my 30s was a cross between The Jetsons and Star Wars. I'd love to have a copy of that speech now. It was published in our newspaper and my friend Louise, who never threw anything away, had every copy of every edition of that paper. I wonder what happened to them...
Anyways, I don't think I'll have a stack of cue cards or commit anything to memory for Thursday's session. The theme of the afternoon is Discoveries - I couldn't come up with anything more appropriate than that. Two of my cousins gave me a card as part of a going away gift before relocated to Kelowna. It hangs on my fridge today. It reads:
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER."
I read that card every morning. It helps when I am homesick for family and friends, causing me to second guess my intentions and wonder if it would be better to play it safe in life. It's funny how a little thing like the right card is not a little thing at all.
Enough pondering, I have prints to make!
For any one local who is interested, the website pictured above is http://www.okanaganinstitute.com/
Wish me luck!
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