My, my, my, what a start to a new year. It is unbelievable the rate at which time flies. So far, 2007 has brought both intense joy and pain, hard work and a dream come true. If this is any indication of what the year is going to be like, I'm going to have to hang on to my hat. (Or should I say "heart"?) This blog entry is a bit of a cheat. I'm doing my best to avoid being hounded first thing in the morning by my most loyal blog fan, Tom, who gives me s**t if he doesn't see a weekly entry. I guess everyone needs a conscience, including me. I'm reaching back to my trip to Whistler in September for this image from Joffre Lakes. I had it all ready to go with my October 1st entry, but somehow it was so different from the other images that it didn't fit. This was taken late in the day, just before the sun dipped behind the mountains. The shadow had already cast itself across the crystalline water and the glowing teal lake turned dark and filled with reflection. As the shadows crept in from all sides, this one ghost of a tree grasped at the last light of the day. The next moment, it was plunged into darkness until the dawn of the new day. I suppose it is no coincidence that I choose this image tonight, as I reflect on the past few months and at the same time force myself to look to the future. I have some wonderful photography news that I am going to save for my next entry - it must be paired with brighter images and a brighter mood. And, I want to keep Tom in suspense! On that note, I am going to say "good night" with the last image on the way to the parking lot at Joffre Lakes.....

.... see you next week.
Hello again - You may have noticed that I have added a counter to my blog. I thought it would be interesting to have some idea of how much traffic it gets. Well, it's extremely motivating, given there have been many more visits to it than I expected in the past week. I'd love to hear comments from some of you - what you think - less writing, more pictures, ideas of sites to photograph, feedback in general. Well, thanks for taking the time to read this - have a great day!
More. More whatever.
And you're quite the tease with this week's post, aren't ya.
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