Saturday, December 22, 2007

Finding Joy in the "Little Things"

Where did 2007 go, especially the last month?!? I'm back to wish everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2008. I have named this year's Christmas image "Little Things" to celebrate how small gestures and tiniest details can have a tremendous impact on the big picture.

I have always been attentive to detail. As an outdoor photographer, sometimes the greatest challenge is to isolate meaningful detail within a chaotic environment. Nature has its own grand plan, but to capture and communicate, within a two dimensional frame, the essence of a place, brings me joy. When other people get excited by one of my images, it multiplies that feeling tenfold.

I'm excited about a lot these days. I've had a great year, capped off by the trip to
Utah and a couple of recent developments on both the home and work front. I will be taking time over the holidays to enjoy the company of friends and family. I am under no illusion that this will be a restful couple of weeks, but I hope to carve out some time to work on a few photo projects. Watch for some updates to my main website and some news about upcoming workshop opportunities.

Until then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!