Friday, May 02, 2008

Late Spring Surprise

One of the best things about being a photographer is occasionally having the opportunity to capture something that you don't usually see. Last Wednesday morning was one of those days. The nights had been hovering just below freezing and this field on Glenmore Road was a visual treat! As I was driving along, the shock of white in the field drew my attention. I doubled back before I realized that I did not have my SLR camera with me. I had brought it into the house the night before.

My point and shoot camera just wasn't going to cut it this time. I checked my odometer - I was only 8 km from home. I thought I might get a similar sight the next morning, but the little voice in my head said "go home and get the camera".
Am I ever glad I listened! The next morning the irrigation had moved further from the fence and it hasn't dipped below freezing since. This was truly a unique start to the day.