Friday, May 02, 2008

Late Spring Surprise

One of the best things about being a photographer is occasionally having the opportunity to capture something that you don't usually see. Last Wednesday morning was one of those days. The nights had been hovering just below freezing and this field on Glenmore Road was a visual treat! As I was driving along, the shock of white in the field drew my attention. I doubled back before I realized that I did not have my SLR camera with me. I had brought it into the house the night before.

My point and shoot camera just wasn't going to cut it this time. I checked my odometer - I was only 8 km from home. I thought I might get a similar sight the next morning, but the little voice in my head said "go home and get the camera".
Am I ever glad I listened! The next morning the irrigation had moved further from the fence and it hasn't dipped below freezing since. This was truly a unique start to the day.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Welcome Me Back!

It has been a very introspective time since I last wrote. Some quick thoughts before I move forward:

I'm not into blogging unless I've got something to say...
I'm still a fair weather photographer - bring on Spring!
Perhaps I'd be more motivated to work on images if I didn't have to wait for my 3 year old laptop to chug along in Photoshop.

Perhaps I'd be more motivated to blog if I didn't lose the connection and lose everything I'd written the last 2 times I dedicated some time to it. Time to upgrade some equipment before I lose my patience.
I'm doing some research and deciding whether or not it's time to cross over and buy a Mac, particularly now that it runs Windows simultaneous
ly. If anyone techie has anything to say, I'd like to hear from you in the comments section.

Moving right along, for those of you who are wondering where I've "been" the last couple of months, I'll fill you in as best I can. I had written this all before I lost my entry, and now have no idea where to begin again!

I seem to be on 5 year cycles of re-inventing myself. As I begin this cycle, I am certain that my next step is to pull all the disparate things I do into one cohesive package. I'm summarizing - it's taken me 2 months to come to this conclusion! I haven’t got the faintest idea how I’m going to do it, but I’m tired of pulling myself in several different directions at the same time. Between consulting, the photography I want to do, the teaching I want to do, the relationships I want to have, the lifestyle I envision for myself – I am spreading myself too thin. So, without losing any momentum, I am planning to consolidate. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ll never reach my full potential if I keep trying to be all things to all people.

Pop culture and pop psychology is playing a small role in this voyage of discovery. Thanks to The Secret, I’ll be seeing Jack Canfield here in Kelowna next Monday, and attending a course with James Ray in San Francisco at the end of June. I cringe at the thought of being identified with a trend. It is my nature to be counter-culture. I accept that what's popular to some has made me aware of people and resources that would have been out of my grasp without the exposure these teachers are receiving. Nothing is more attractive to me now than learning from leaders in their field among other like-minded individuals. I am happy that I don’t have to do it all alone.

So, I’m still going to blog, and of course there will still be photographs to illustrate. As a part of pulling it all together, I’m going to take you along for the ride.